Friends, Moma’s and Nana’s, I am so glad you found my page! Health, Hope & Vitality mean so much to me, and I enjoy sharing secrets, tips and ideas with people like you who are interested! People have told me it’s fun to Learn Together, build health plans, share ideas, quotes, pure oils & stories of how they have all made life more vibrant, and healthier! It’s a joy for me to know a few changes can make a huge difference! We all have choices and there is no better time to start than now!
As a Wellness Coach I have supported hundreds of women to make simple choices, new habits, routines and beliefs that had a huge impact on the second half of their lives, often making it the best half! Healthy, life giving plants were created for us and, they can support our immunity, our physical & mental health, families, littles, and friends!
I invite you to view my pages and book a free consult with me so I we can chat about your goals, priorities and questions. I would be honoured to support you on your journey to a vibrant, healthy, meaningful life 😊